Codify is a website built through a group project. It initially aimed at creating a small multi-page website displaying content and show off a compelling and responsive design, layout along with some technical skills we learnt in the class.
As a group, we decided to build a website about tutorials with detailed sections and explanations.
The project began around the end of November and lasted until the beginning of February.
In this group of 3 people, I was in charge of 2 pages as well as the following tasks:
For each page, it is structured according to the following order and elements:
First, I made some reasearch about the light/dark theme and hamburger menu.
I read some articles to understand the pros and cons using these design choices that are really popular nowadays.
I tried to make it short and easy enough to understand as it is a tutorial.
After some explanation on the topic, I had to create a section dedicated to anyone that would like to create its own light/dark theme.
The objective here was to explain the different steps that lead me to get this result.
I splited the tutorial section into 3 parts according to the different technologies I used:
And lastly, I ended this page with a section that allows people to test everything according to the explanations given above.
This section is the result they should obtain after copy-pasting the code given in the sections above.